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Meet Our Team

Team: Meet the Artists

Jianhao Andy An

Executive Director

Jianhao An, current president of Pratt Chinese Students & Scholars Association(CSSA), majors in Film at Pratt Institute. Jianhao loves to produce, manage and collaborate on art projects.

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Zhihong Fu

Associate Director / Operating Manager 

Zhihong Fu, former president of Chinese Students & Scholars Association(CSSA) at The New School, recently graduated from Parsons School of Design with a bachelor’s degree in Fashion Design. She also works as a costume designer for films.

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Haopeng Lin

Creative Director / Curator

Haopeng Lin, MFA of interior design at Pratt Institute, now works as a retail experience designer. Haopeng Lin has a strong sense in space usage and is good at converting a space into a multifunctional interior experience. His personal style is bold, minimal, and interactive.


Ziwei Liu

Assistant to Creative Director / Graphic Designer

Ziwei Liu is a graphic designer, motion designer who learns and works with passion. Currently, she's a design student at School of Visual Arts, New York City.


Jingyi Wang

Assistant to Creative Director / Product Designer

Jingyi Wang, BFA of industrial design at Pratt Institute, devotes herself to designing user-friendly and aesthetically oriented products. She is passionate about artistic and emotional designs.


Jinghan Hu (Molane)

Graphic Designer

Jinghan Hu is a senior communication design majored student from Parsons. She is interested in people’s emotional resonance in visual design. Creating design works that will inspire people to reflect or question about the world is the core ambition in her design career. She is also the director of Publicity Department in The New School CSSA.


Anran Li (Mina)

Product Designer

Li Anran (Mina), current vice president of Pratt CSSA, majors in Industrial Design at Pratt Institute, minors in Sustainability Studies. Mina is a diligent designer that provides innovative solutions to individuals and corporations.

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Liuqing Yang

Product Designer

Liuqing Yang, a graduate student studying industrial design at Parsons School of Design. With an architecture background, she also enjoys spacial design.


Ellen Ren

Product Designer

Ellen Ren is a current student at Pratt Institute majoring in industrial design and minoring in art history. She loves to make things, draw pictures, and bring new ideas come to life. Ellen is also the chair of Community Engagement Board at Pratt.


Thyan Zou

Assistant Designer

Yaoyu Zou (Thyan), the current Chief of HR of Pratt CSSA, majors in Industrial Design. She is devoted to exploring more possibilities of creative designs through the use of materials, functionality, and sustainability. 


Alex Chen

Assistant Designer / Jewelry Designer

Alex Chen, BA from FIDM, now majors in jewelry design at Pratt Institute. His designs represent a strong geometrical thinking. Although his style is minimalistic, his products are dedicated to sophisticated details.


Lily Liu

Assistant Curator

Lily is a second year student at NYU, studying philosophy and art history. She is especially interested in Aesthetics and art criticism. She is currently on the e-board for NYU’s Fine Arts Society. Before that, she has interned at the National Museum of China in the general curatorial department. In her free time, she enjoys reading, painting, going to galleries/museums, and wandering around.

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Special thanks to Ruihan Xia (Marketing), Elle Liu, Watson, Cosmo who helped us make everything happen.

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